sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2012

Octopus Galician

Today's recipe is simple to make and yet is one of the most typical dishes of the region of Galicia. This recipe for boiled octopus with paprika is a starter easy, convenient and tasty can be served both hot comofriosegun second time the station.

The Galician octopus can be presented as an entree along with a mixed salad and a buenpescadode second. As buenvinoblanco advise a drink.

INGREDIENTS: Sliced ​​Octopus, bittersweet paprika, salt and olive aceitede.

PREPARATION: Heat the sliced ​​octopus in a microwave or double boiler and place on a plate. Once hot just add salt, paprika and sprinkle with a little extra virgin olive deaceitede ... now just enjoy the taste!

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