domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2012

Lentils with green beans

One more option to join other lentil recipes we've seen before and that I remember: Lentils with Chorizo​​, Lentils destroyer, Cream of lentils with spinach, lentils with chicken, lentils with ham, lentils with pumpkin, lentils with cabbage and lentils with pork ribs.

Let's look at the steps and ingredients for our lentils with green beans.

Lentils with green beans:
- Lentils
- Green beans.
- Onion.
- Pepper.
- Garlic.
- Carrot.
- Potato.
- Oil.
- Ground pepper.
- Paprika.
- Sal

Begin to clean and chop the green beans, so we must cut the ends of each strand and removed or lateral beard and then leave in chunks of about 5-6 cm.
Then wash the lentils to clean, (no need to soak them in advance if they call the pardinas, which are tiny), the toss in the pan, add cold water to cover about 2-3 fingers above, (we can add a little broth or homemade chicken or vegetable, half bouillon concentrate to give a little more flavor).

Now we're going to be putting the green beans we have pieces, the onion into very small pieces, medium bell pepper, carrot and chopped garlic, a tablespoon of olive oil, a little salt and pepper. Let cook slowly over medium heat.
As they cook, peel potatoes and chop to medium sized, but not cut with the knife, we triscarlas, not cut them, (we put the knife blade and handle so that casquen we thus release the starch and thicken the broth ).

To finish we put a tablespoon of paprika (or half sweet and half spicy) this as long as desired, depending on the result you want to obtain.

When almost cooked, try the salt and correct if necessary.

We turn off the heat and let stand a few minutes before serving.

We have prepared our plate.

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