domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2012

Sardines with tomato

A very interesting recipe to prepare our sardines and get out of the typical grilled sardines, but also in that recipe and I told you how to reduce, with this preparation are not going to fill the house with smoke and smell of sardines.

Come with steps and ingredients needed to prepare this dish.

Sardines with tomato.
- Sardines.
- Onion.
- Garlic.
- Cayenne or chilli.
- Tomato.
- Sal
- Sugar.
- Ground pepper.

We begin by preparing a tomato sauce, but in this case I will use crushed tomato instead of tomato, and I have said on other occasions that such preparations are indifferent.

We begin to put a pot or pan with oil to heat, then add some sliced ​​garlic to brown, but when I remove the oil takes its flavor, followed cayenne or chili add one small onion I chopped a bit coarse salt and ground pepper. I'll let soften about 10 minutes over low heat.

Then we will put the crushed tomato with a little sugar, stir well and let it go fry over medium low well covered.
From time to time we will remove and about a half hour or 40 minutes, will vary depending on the amount of tomatoes that we put the fire level, etc, but come on.

Meanwhile we will be cleaning the sardines, removing the head, guts and scales and washing thoroughly.

As the tomato sauce is ready, we will not go through the blender or the like, we want to be more rustic and volume, so directly, we will put the sardines on the sauce and we will cover the casserole to be be doing to simmer.
At about 5 minutes or so, we will give back to all the sardines and leave about 3 minutes or so.

However as will comprobad inside the cooking and where necessary the mantenéis obviously.
We turn off the heat, let rest a few minutes and serve hot.

If you like, prepare yourselves while the dish, you can thoroughly wash small potatoes, you practice them outside holes with a fork and Asais in the microwave for about ten minutes.

I will trim for sardines with tomato sardines or ride on them (as you can see in the first picture), having previously removed the potato pulp like when I saw the recipe for stuffed baked potatoes.

We have prepared our plate.

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