domingo, 21 de octubre de 2012

Emperor with green sauce

The Emperor with green sauce recipe is a simple, quick to prepare and pleasantly surprises the palate.
The Emperor recipe with green sauce preserves the nutritional qualities intact fish and taste only mildly altered by the sauce.
The emperor is a fish of exceptional flavor, green sauce blends with any fish, but between the two form a special tandem. The seasoning of the sauce adds a delicious spicy point, as Mediterranean.
Emperor Fish
The emperor is known and used since antiquity. By its own characteristics, flavor and texture, a fish is easily identifiable. It is also known espadarte needle or blade.
His strong muscular physique and the absence of spines, except the center, make this fish is usually present in fillets.
Grilled, seasoned with a sauce and seconded by simple linings becomes a prized delicacy.
Ingredients for 4 people
4 slices of very thick emperor6 garlic clove1 onionChopped parsleyA splash of white wineVegetable oilSprockets1 potato1 eggplantFlour and SaltMethod of Preparation
Step 1: Prepare the ingredients
Cut fillets emperor not too thick. The eggplant and potato to use as garnish Peel and cut into slices. Chop the garlic and onion to the sauce very finite. Cut the parsley, also fine.
Step 2: Make the sauce
It adds a splash of olive oil to the pan and begins to fire. When it is hot, add the pine nuts, and onion and garlic. Salted to taste and fry over medium heat until browned, when you add a splash of white wine and flour or thickening of sauces. He moves around well, to avoid lumps. The thickness of the sauce should be moderate, for it should not go hand in flour, and pass time.
Step 3: The garrison
Fry in abundant oil separately eggplant and potato. Then remove from pan and drain well the eggplant. Add salt to taste.
Step 4: Cook the fish
Finally, the plate is heated and placed emperor slices. The steak will be too dry if she spent cooking. Therefore it is necessary for both sides, just long enough.Once browned, remove and serve the dish. Cover with the sauce and sprinkle the chopped parsley on top. Is accompanied by potatoes and eggplants.
Table and accompanying presentation
The plate has a very colorful presentation thanks to parsley sauce. The dish can be served in garrison apart even dispensed with. It should be served hot, steaming.
To accompany white wine at a temperature from eight to ten degrees.
Variants gastronomic
The green salsa supports variations in its preparation and ingredients. You can use for example the cooking juices of some cockles and these wedges. Even shrimp and bay, if we give a flavor point sailor. Also in this dish can be played with the garrison, admitting almost any combination of sautéed vegetables.

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