sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2012

Meat pie

This meatloaf recipe is ideal for a strong food and protein rich. This dish is known worldwide and depends on the region where secocinavarian ingredients. May be covered with pastry or stuffed olives, mashed potatoes and endless varieties.
This variety of meatloaf that I present today just received from the Alicante and sweeter secocinacon point, I hope you enjoy it!

     2.5 kg of flour,
     12 eggs,
     2 Kg of lean decerdopicado twice,
     2 kg of lard,
     250g pine nuts
     50 gr of cinnamon,
     1 kg of sugar

Beat the 12 egg yolks, add 12 gourds (small cups) butter decerdoderretida and 7 bowls of warm water and sugar 7 ounces (210 grams).
Add the flour to admit, that can be left to spread well.
Make balls and spread them with the rolling pin making pancakes very thin, brush with butter decerdoderretida and screw on top of each other making a roll (if any measurement make two rolls), which is wrapped in a napkin or cloth and stored in a cool place overnight.
Mix meat with 800 grams of sugar, a glass of water, pine nuts and a half pounds of butter decerdoy 5 teaspoons of cinnamon.
Bring to boil, spinning, stirring until thickened. When cool, remove leftover butter because much.
Cut the dough roll sliced ​​and spread with the rolling pin.
Put a spoonful of the filling and fold the dough like a dumpling. Put three pinches of cinnamon on top
Bake in hot oven until brown.
When cool wrapped in paper napkins old bar, or tissue paper to re thread the folded edge and stay.
How to eat:
Heat in the oven or on a hot plate and eat.

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