miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2012

Fruit cocktail with seafood and lemon vinaigrette

 The seafood cocktail perhaps one of those dishes típoco party and celebration and Christmas time, but today I want to reinvent this dish and include it in a day everyday.
It can be a low calorie recipe, tasty and suitable for platofriomuy hot dates ahead of us. This Cocktail defrutascon seafood and lemon vinaigrette may be one these days we do not want to forgo the pleasure but without adding calories.

-Lemon juice
-Olive oil

Clean and chop the pineapple, mango and put it together lamanzanay with crab, shrimp and raisins. Furthermore prepare a sour vinaigrette made ​​from lemon juice, yoghurt, cream, vinegar, olive oil and salt aceitede.

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