miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2012

Beautiful Galician Empanada

Today has been the mother of a friend so that you knead the dough for pie, when I have heard my mother, once he has been craving to eat pie, and of course I'm going to say no, when your wishes are my command.

Good thing I'm a woman I have always cautious and home ingredients to make the dough for the pie, since for the filling can be improvised as pie supports all. Although usually always home cans of tuna or tuna in extra virgin olive oil and also luckily I have green and red peppers.

As we are just at home I put half putting ingredients in the original recipe, so have never had to throw pie all week, and stay breaded, jejej.

In principle, if you have no time to let the dough rest, nothing happens, but if you can stand the dejais one or two hours, because it is then more digestible.

The good pie, in addition to being delicious, is that we can prepare in advance, and you can eat both hot and cold.
A pretty delicious pie with peppers
     Ingredients for the dough:
     5 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
     15g of pressed baker's yeast
     Warm water 100ml
     300g bread flour
     1 teaspoon salt
     Ingredients for the filling:
     450g tuna in extra virgin olive oil (net weight)
     1 onion
     2 green peppers
     1/2 red bell pepper
     2 boiled eggs

     The first thing we have to do is undo the yeast in the warm water.
     We make a volcano with the flour, reserving four tablespoons to add it later.
     We took in the middle of the water and yeast mixture and oil, mix well, add the flour that we have booked.
     Add salt and knead until a dough elastic.
     Let stand in a draft-free place, an hour.
     Meanwhile, prepare the filling or compango.
     Put the oil in a pan nice and we will have poached onion finely chopped.
     We add the peppers to the pan and poached with onions. Remove from heat.
     Add the pieces to a nice pan and chopped hard-boiled egg, mix well.
     Let cool.
     Stretch half the dough and fill with compango we have prepared, leaving about two on each side centrimetro free.
     Stretch and put the other half above compango. We seal the sides and make a hole with a knife in the center to breathe pie.
     Brush with beaten egg and prick with a fork all over the pie.
     Put in the oven preheated to 180 ° C for 20 minutes in the party and then we went to the center for another 25 minutes.

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