jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2012

Chestnut tart

This recipe, along with cakes and biscuits, was a favorite of my grandmother. I remember going with my grandfather to pick chestnuts and almonds, and then do all sorts of delicious desserts. Now I am bringing to you to enjoy!
For this recipe you need
For the dough:
Six eggs
200 gr. sugar
200 gr. flour
For chestnut purée:
1 kg. chestnut
150 gr. butter
200 gr. sugar
1 ½ dl. water
A glass of Krisch (cherry liqueur)
A bar of chocolate to melt to taste

Preparation step by step
First of all make ready all the utensils you are going to use. That is, strike the mold with butter and espolvoreadlo with flour to prevent sticking of the dough. Finally, precalentad oven to 150 degrees while you do it.

For mass
First Break the eggs into a bowl or container that is big boy, add all the sugar and batidlo with mixer or a whisk until you manage eggs are very uploaded. Outside the blender Add the flour slowly, stirring gently to mix everything well.
When you see the flour, egg and sugar are well mixed, pour into the mold prepared crust and metedlo in the oven, leaving at the same temperature for 30 minutes.

For chestnut purée
Coced Pelad and chestnuts. Pasadlas And add hot syrup will have been done with the water and sugar. When warm, add the softened butter and finally the cup Kirsch.
Finally, bring out the cake from the oven (to ensure it is cooked right through, thrust a stick in the middle and comes out clean, it is ready), retiradlo mold and put it in a shallow dish. Now, using a large knife, divide it in three albums (the base, and the central part of the surface), being careful not to tear it. Id riding joining biscuits cake with chestnut cream. Try to cover all the edges with the remaining cream.
If you are also crazy about chocolate, you can melt a little in a small saucepan. When liquid, will you add a tablespoon of butter and Banais thus the surface of the cake.
Duration of the recipe: 1 hourCooking time: 50 minutesNumber of guests: 4Difficulty:


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