lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2012

Chicken breasts with light sauce

Come with a light meal, I like me so I'm always looking chicken recipes that are light but rich in flavor and nutrition is one of them, the chicken and sauce jugosísimas are very rich, this sauce is not like that I say normally care that we ended a good piece of bread with it, is a more ligerita sauce and put just a little amount to have more meat juiciness and flavor, the bread to be possible if these caring finite twist food if not, you can get a good piece of bread and enjoy.

The chicken that I like is the barnyard, it shows much taste and texture as meat is another richer, but not always find it in my usual carnage, so when I see they have available and some chicken, always buy for more and so frozen and I have available for a few meals.

Besides all the properties that gives us the chicken also going very well for the shopping cart, as it is a very cheap meat, but lately I have also noticed a bit higher price ...

I leave you with this fabulous recipe, I hope you try it and as always I mention I like to hear your opinion.
Chicken breasts with light sauce
     400g chicken breast
     2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil
     400g water
     200g mushrooms
     1 medium onion
     150g carrots

     Prepared with Thermomix
     In a skillet, fry the chicken and reserve.
     Incorporated into the glass, a teaspoon of oil, quartered onion, carrot and program, 6 seconds, speed 4.
     Saute, 7 minutes, varoma, speed spoon.
     Add water, crushed 1 minute, speed 10.
     Add the chopped mushrooms, salt, spices and program 15 minutes, varoma, turn left, speed spoon.
     On a plate incorporates breasts, rice and SALSEA.

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