domingo, 2 de septiembre de 2012


1 can of chickpeas cooked
1 can of cooked chard
500 g of ripe tomatoes
4 cloves of garlic
1 teaspoon of paprika
3 tablespoons olive oil

     Boil chickpeas and chard in boiling water mixed with a little salt for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare a sauce with oil, garlic and tomato, peeled and chopped. When the tomatoes are soft, add the paprika and sofreírlo few minutes.
     Remove part of the cooking broth of chickpeas and chard, and add the sauce to the pan. Add salt to taste and cook another 15 minutes. Served hot, After standing for fifteen minutes.

     Since this dish keeps well, can you make more interest amount for a dish we solved within days.

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