jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2012


Now that is little to reach the month of May, hopefully start some warming sun, we will be preparing meals chilly, such as gazpacho.

Gazpacho is a soup made ​​with raw ingredients, who took chilly, so it comes in handy for the summer months, when the ground is hard.

Gazpacho is a meal but has spread throughout Spain, is typical in the area of Andalucia, where the summers are very hot. The most popular gazpacho is tomato, but so are cucumber, watermelon, like any recipe, it admits the imagination that we have, and create a different gazpacho.

The main ingredients of traditional gazpacho, are tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, garlic, onion or chives, bread, vinegar, water and of course a rich extra virgin olive oil.

The tomatoes we usually use very ripe, because they are sweet and will give us a more reddish color.

With this we can use the bread recipe that has left over from previous days, and we will help thicken and as we shall crush all, is better than the bread is hard. For you to see you in the kitchen you can recycle all the food we have left in previous days.
An appetizer or first course very refreshing
     1kg ripe tomatoes
     2 cloves of garlic
     50g green peppers
     50g red pepper
     35g chives
     70g cucumber
     30g of vinegar
     50g of extra virgin olive oil
     250g of water
     Pan (optional)

     First cut of the tip of the cucumber and we took the "bad blood" or so called my mistress, lol. To do this we have to rub the tip with the piece you have cut, and will leave a white substance, we remove that slice and we can use, then this is for you richer.
     Chop the tomatoes, garlic, peppers, onion, cucumber and bread if you're going to use. We put everything in the bowl of the mixer. If we go, you put it in a large bowl.
     Add the vinegar and salt. Grind everything in a blender to make this all finely chopped.
     Add the water and return to beat.
     Finally, we introduce the oil and mix again until a fine gazpacho.
     We can serve immediately, or reserve in the fridge.

By adding oil to the final color will be reddish gazpacho

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