jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2012

Beef broth

We will prepare one of the recipes that basic call, and we can give you a lot of uses, and serves as the basis for many of our recipes.

The wine we can use to prepare a soup for lunch or dinner, to prepare rice with meat, meat stews, and instead of putting water alone, we put the liquid, but enriched.

This broth can freeze it in tupperware quietly different sizes, depending to what we will use later. It is better to freeze in small tupperware, and if we need more quantity, put two did not have to be separated while still frozen.

We can also freeze, as if they were ice cubes, and so we have no problems when rations, and we will take up less in the freezer, because after frozen, we put them in plastic bags, and so we are concerned much less.

As you can see, it is very easy to make a rich and tasty beef broth, without resorting to products purchased.

When one day we have a little while, we can prepare this soup and freeze it and so we have on hand when we need it, and walk in a hurry, which is usually quite often.
A basic recipe of broth we can give many utilities
     1 piece of veal, the one you like
     1 bone
     1 large leek or 2 small
     1 carrot
     A little oil

     Put the beef and bone in the pot.
     We clean the leek, the break in two, and put it in the pot.
     Peel the carrots, and put it in the pot.
     Cover with water and toss with a little oil and a pinch of salt. Boil over medium-high heat for 30 minutes.
     We test and if necessary rectify the salt, rectify.
     We took the bone and the piece of beef to a plate.
     Strain the broth, reserving in the bowl of the mixer a bit.
     Put the leeks and carrots, in the bowl of the mixer with the stock we have booked, grind well. Mix with the remaining broth.

The beef, we can take a bit of tomato or prepare croquettes.

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