lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2012

Hake with Prawns

A recipe that you can not miss, loved the first time I ate and repeated many times, hake is a fish that we usually eat at home usually at least 3 times a week, and we really like the way you I like cooking is steamed, besides being much healthier, taste remains very rich and is very juicy, so we have to have the thermomix and cook encourage many more times with varoma container.

Not if you happen like me, but sometimes I use it counted and it's a shame because the vegetables are delicious and the fish and some meat of wonder, so I plan to use it much more and it paid off well pass, - )), so most recipes come steamed, then you'll love the idea.

Well then this dish is one of them, is steamed and the result is more than rich, a very healthy food, light and you can not be rich without tasting it, sure your guests will love it and you repeat in countless times.

No more I leave you with the recipe, I hope you like and do soon.
 Hake with Prawns
     Salt to taste
     75gr white wine
     100gr of water
     Oil 25gr
     1 leek thin
     1/2 bag of parsley leaves
     4 cloves garlic, fat
     4 prawns
     A package of hake into pieces

     Prepared with Thermomix
     Stir in parsley and garlic, program, 4 seconds speed 7.
     Stir in leeks into thick slices, program, three seconds, speed 6, help yourself to the spatula and low remains of walls and lid.
     Program 5 minutes varoma, speed 1.
     Cut the hake pieces varoma container and oil with a few drops of oil, hake incorporated into the container must be fillets pimentados salt, also add prawns.
     Once the time is set incorporates, water, wine, saffron, salt, close the lid, put the container in position varoma, program, 15 minutes, varoma, speed 1.
     Use caution when opening varoma always have to open it in the opposite direction of where we are.
     Present it on individual plates with the sauce.

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