domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2012

Melon with ham

In previous blog recipes we have seen several cold dishes made ​​with melon, such as cantaloupe cream, cold melon soup, or Melon Gazpacho.
As we continue with very good weather, today we will see another, perhaps the best known, easy to prepare and very fast as ever.

As the plate itself is very simple, we will look at this issue several presentations of the same that will allow us many alternatives in our table.

Let no more with the ingredients and steps to make this recipe.

Melon with ham:
- Melon.
- Serrano ham.

As there is not much to say about the handling of ingredients, melon and ham, I start from the top image it presented the melon with ham as a sorbet, for this, peak ham and melon chunks very small, put them in a cup or small bowl and cover it with melon juice.

Juice For all I've done is take melon and grind in a blender, juicer, thermomix, etc., With a little lemon juice. (More or less lemon juice depending on the amount of melon flavor or put end to seek).

In the image below and you can see more classic presentations:

     As a package: wrapping the prosciutto on melon

     Raised By plane: where I introduced the ham melon holes I've practiced with cooking disheartening putting into sticks or rolled to give vertical volume.

     Sliced​​: put a slice of ham with poles extended above that facilitate melon after cutting and tasting.
Keep in mind when preparing to cut the pieces of melon and ham to a size that allows eat in one bite. The number of pieces you put it at your choice. You can also "cut" the melon with a sacabolas and I will be a very interesting areas.

These would be very colorful skewers if you serve on the table in half melon made ​​hollow. Put in some melon juice so that they are juicier.
Starting the melon and ham into small pieces, I have previously removed in a bowl and then I filled the mold that I placed on a slice of ham to dress the dish.
After removing the mounting Arillo, just subtract water with a little melon juice over and ready. You could also put melon cream at the base of the plate and get a plate if anything stronger.

These are just some ways to present course everyone will know to give your personal touch. The important thing about this dish is that the ingredients are quality and also serve chilled.

     By the way, to prepare the melon juice can take advantage of all the cuts you are left to prepare different presentations.
     You can also play a little toasted ham and get crunchy texture and other

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