domingo, 23 de septiembre de 2012

Mushrooms with Garlic touch

We love the garlic mushrooms and always looking for different recipes to see which is more flavorful, this time we liked the result, you'll find another garlic mushrooms recipe by clicking on this link, they are also very rich, but with a touch less spicy, these by adding a tip of cayenne gives them a touch too sabrosón!.

I like to buy the whole mushrooms or not cut to sheets, I like the mushrooms into pieces that plates when making this recipe, but this is going to taste, if you prefer decantarte mushrooms cut sheets, the result will be quite similar.

As I like to add parsley fresh parsley but if you have not had available dry, I added problem in the kitchen have to go play it?.

Let's make the recipe with our assistant cook but like all recipes that are made with thermomix also be made the traditional way, are very easy to adapt if you still have any doubts you and I can help to make this recipe to traditionally not hesitate and below the entrance you will find a feedback form, let your opinion or doubt, I'll be happy resolvértela.
Mushrooms with Garlic touch
     50g extra virgin olive oil
     500g of mushrooms
     4 cloves of garlic
     Parsley leaves
     Media cayenne
     A little salt
     Dash of pepper

     Prepared with Thermomix
     Stir in oil in the glass, program 5 minutes, 100 º, speed 2.
     Stir and add the garlic butterfly sheets, program 3 minutes, 100 º, speed 3.
     Add the chopped mushrooms, salt, pepper and cayenne average, 15 minutes, varoma, turn left, speed spoon.
     When missing five minutes to finish adding the chopped parsley, once the program ends, if you see that you have too much stock, program a few more minutes at the same temperature, turn left, speed spoon.

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