domingo, 23 de septiembre de 2012

Chicken Meatballs with vegetables

Today we bring you some delicious chicken meatballs with mixed vegetables, meatballs are juicy and delicious in its point and sauce ... the sauce is a bane!.

The meatballs I usually do at home is beef, pork, veal mixed, hake and chicken, my favorites are the chicken for its juiciness, are very rich and tasty, as to the vegetable sauce to be very healthy, contain very little oil, salt poquita and the result is delicious.

They are totally recommended for both adults and for the children, surely love!, As always comment when soil make a sauce essential to such a few slices of bread for dipping next without stopping ... Although control ... I did not know what was this the other day and I ate a chunk hehe.

We accompany these meatballs with a mixed salad or baked potatoes would be two perfect accompaniments for this type of dish, and for dessert a little fruit and already crowned this meal promises to be very rich.

Hope you like it and as always anything you want to comment or say you can do it in the comments, I'll answer anything else to read.
Chicken Meatballs with vegetables
     650gr ground chicken
     20g of milk
     1 egg
     Pinch of salt
     onion Media
     Fresh parsley leaves-few-
     2 cloves of garlic
     Onion 100gr
     Red pepper 120gr
     100g green pepper
     2 cloves of garlic
     1 small zucchini skin-without-
     40g extra virgin olive oil
     200g chopped tomatoes
     200 g of water

     Prepared with Thermomix
     Incorporated in the glass the garlic, parsley and onion, program 5 seconds, speed 6.
     Add salt, egg and milk, program 5 seconds, speed 4.
     Mix the ground beef with the mixture we finished with the help of a little oil we spread our hands and form meatballs the above container have varoma.
     Let the sauce
     Stir in onion, garlic, peppers, zucchini, 4 seconds, speed 4 program incorporates oil and 10 minutes, Varona, speed spoon.
     Stir in tomato and program 5 minutes, varoma, speed spoon.
     Add water, salt, place the varoma in place, program 25 minutes, varoma, speed 2.
     Incorporates the meatballs to a casserole, sauce crushed 1 minute, 10 e incorpórala speed within the cazuela lets give a boil and lists.

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