martes, 18 de septiembre de 2012

Pie of Santiago

The cupcakes that we make with almonds, and I've always loved this cake Santiago was not going to be different.

This cake, as its name suggests, is to honor the Apostle James, so he puts sugar glace over, leaving the cross drawn the Order of Santiago. This cake is a typical Galician dessert.

Although it is a traditional dessert, never would have thought that a recipe appeared in the BOE (22-03-2006, No. 69), as in this recipe.

For those who are not Galician, like me, you know the unlined Santiago tart, that is only the cake, but there may also be lined version, which is putting a layer of puff pastry on the bottom, I have not ever tasted, but it sure gives the pastry a touch too rich, and I usually like to draw much the pastry desserts.

This tart takes a very simple ingredients that can be found easily, and also their preparation is not complete. So I encourage you to try to make this recipe, you will surely love it, and are going to be repeated on more than one occasion.

Bon appetit.
A typical Galician dessert
     250g ground almonds
     250g Sugar
     5 eggs L
     Zest of 1/2 lemon
     Half a teaspoon of cinnamon
     Icing sugar for dusting

     In a bowl put the almonds, sugar, cinnamon and lemon zest, mix with a fork.
     Add eggs, and mix with a spatula, do not beat.
     Greased mold diameter of about 24cm and pour the mixture.
     The put in the oven preheated to 170 ° C for 50 minutes, or until the club runs clear when pierced skewer.
     When cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

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