martes, 18 de septiembre de 2012

Veal stew with artichokes

Now with the summer heat, it seems not crave stews, but the truth is that they come well in advance and have them ready when we got home warmed and ready. So that we can prepare for the days you will not get very hot.

Since I have a little boy, I like to eat varied and for that I have to do very different food, and as he likes to try everything, I prepare these dishes that are very complete, because while eating meat, tiernita and remains very easy to eat, I enclose vegetables, this time I put artichokes, who do not usually eat, but it is lagging with its flavor.

This dish can also serve with boiled potatoes, that we can do while the meat or the way that you will like more to 's kids, is if we fried.

As always, I say, for my taste the stews are better if you let sit for overnight as better blend all the flavors.
 A very rich dish that combines meat with vegetables
     300g onion
     2 cloves of garlic
     70g of extra virgin olive oil
     1 tablespoon flour
     800g beef into small pieces
     130g sliced ​​carrot
     1 teaspoon salt
     450g of water
     4 artichokes fresh or canned
     1/2 lemon

     We put in the glass onion, garlic and oil. We schedule 5 seconds, speed 5. We went down the remains of the walls to the blades and schedule 10 minutes, temperature Varoma, turn left, speed spoon.
     Flour meat lightly incorporated along with the carrot. We scheduled 5 minutes, temperature Varoma, turn left, speed spoon.
     Add the water, and schedule 35 minutes, 100 º, turn left, speed spoon.
     We remove the tough leaves of the artichokes and we break into four pieces. Rub with half a lemon cuts.
     When the time scheduled, schedule 10 minutes, temperature Varoma, turn left, speed spoon.
     We check if the meat and artichokes are tiernes, if necessary programmed 5 minutes under the same conditions

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