martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

Sirloin with pastry

This dish is a good choice for when we have a special dinner, meat is a very economical, but elaborating it in this way we will look for five-star dish, we loved the result, never tasted pork tenderloin, I it felt like it was going to be dry, but nothing, is very juicy dish with the pastry and filling that accompanies it.

We can work it a few hours before serving, when we go to tie it to bring to the table, we will give a touch of oven and looks great, from one day to another I do not recommend, because the pastry is not as rich, but a couple of hours, if you hold perfectly, jam if you like, not restrinjáis of it, as it gives a very rich at the plate, it's like the icing.

We accompany the steak with some incoming first and a good mixed salad with smoked salmon, you will get a very rich and stay much tastier, anyway, we have countless salads, choosing the ones you like, and be a good accompaniment.

I hope that encourages you to prepare this dish and if you do, leave a comment with your opinion, telling me that you think.

Hope you like it!.
Sirloin with pastry
     1 beaten egg for painting
     1 jar raspberry jam
     Mi-cuit foie 160gr
     2 pork tenderloins, each about 400g-
     2 sheets of puff pastry
     20gr of brandy
     Freshly ground black pepper
     250g mixed mushrooms
     10 gr extra virgin olive oil
     40g butter
     80g shallots

     Prepared with Thermomix
     Preheat oven to 200 º, put tracing paper in the tray and set aside.
     Incorporated in the glass shallots, butter, oil, program 4 seconds, speed 5.
     Saute, 4 minutes, varoma, speed spoon.
     Stir in mushrooms and program, 4 seconds, speed 4.
     Season with a little salt and pepper, program, 3 minutes, varoma, turn left, speed spoon.
     Stir in brandy, program, 2 minutes, varoma, turn left, speed spoon without putting the goblet.
     Take the cookie sheet and place you had reserved half of the pastry into the tray and the other half will come out of it, put salt peppered tenderloin, over half of pastry that is inside the tray, leaving a border of 2 cm seal.
     Incorporates top sirloin sautéed mushrooms and mushroom sauce over the foie incorporates, cut into 6 pieces thin, 3 pieces for each sirloin, foie over a spoonful of jam, 3 tablespoons per foie.
     Now with half the pastry that was left out, covering the steak like a blanket, closing the borders you've stopped 2 cm, press well, and open for us to bake.
     If you like meat undercooked, baked in preheated oven 15 minutes, 220 º.
     If you like more casts, 220,--preheated oven 30 minutes.
     Once baked, served a piece, accompanied by a little jam on the side.

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