martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

Biscuit with chocolate

Who does not feel like a piece of cake?I do! came out very fluffy and tastes so rich ... would not stop to eat a piece after another only to have to have restraint and I resist a little but if not for this ... uy uy uy lol.

I like the outcome of this cake a sponge cake, chubby and with a pronounced flavor chocolate syrup cover achieves a rich contrast, ideal for breakfast or tea, is kept in perfect condition 2 to 3 days either tapadito, I put it in a baking pan with a lid that I have and hold, if you keep it in a dish cover with foil and freeze portions, take them out a little before eating and seem as if freshly made.

It starts much apetecer turn the oven and that is good news for anyone we like baking cakes, muffins, cookies ... and now it's time to get you started, I love the fall, in my house starts to smell like bread freshly baked cakes ... Let a delight!

Hope you like this rich cake and hands get too soon the masses!

Until the next post!
Biscuit with chocolate
     1 packet of yeast
     150g whole milk
     170g Sugar
     150g butter
     4 eggs
     200g flour
     200gr cola cao

     Traditional Preparation
     In a bowl add sifted flour, sifted cocoa cola and yeast sieved mixture and reserve.
     Whisk together the eggs and sugar until they are well get sparkling incorporates whipped butter and mix well, now add the milk and continue beating until well blended.
     Stir in flour mixture, cola cao and yeast slowly until well blended and creamy get one.
     Preheat oven to 180 degrees, greased pan with a little butter and bake about 1 hour as ovens.

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