martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

Rice with vegetables and chicken breast

Come up with a bowl of rice, if you follow me regularly know that I love rice in every way possible, cooked in different ways, with meat, fish, vegetables, seafood ... whatever!, Booing me, which is a dish could'nt ever, this particular we liked the variety of ingredients that compose and simplicity in terms of formulation, as the ingredients contained in it.

A touch that is special for me because I really like are the peas, I love to go find myself a little here and another there, at home, I am the only one who likes a little more, I've put a little more and I enjoyed a great time, carrots and peppers make the dish more complete and give a terrific touch.

As always I advise, a good salad would be the perfect addition to this delicious rice with mixed lettuce, some cucumbers, boiled eggs, tuna ... Mmm, to our liking!, So we crowned our meal with this delicious and healthy salad.

I hope you will be excited and prepare this delicious rice, not being a very soupy rice, want much more, with this heat we are having.

No more I leave you with the recipe, I hope you enjoy and give me your opinion on who you think.
Rice with vegetables and chicken breast
     2 cloves of garlic
     100g extra virgin olive oil
     500g diced chicken breast
     150g diced green pepper
     150g diced red pepper
     1 carrot, diced
     850gr broth
     1 pinch paprika
     Saffron to taste
     350g of rice
     120gr peas

     Prepared with Thermomix
     Incorporated in the glass, oil and garlic, program, 5 seconds, speed 6, then 3 minutes, varoma, speed 1.
     Stir in chicken and dice program, 5 minutes, varoma, turn left, speed spoon.
     Add the peppers and carrots cut into cubes, program, 6 minutes, varoma, turn left, speed spoon.
     Stir in chicken broth, paprika, saffron, salt and program, 9 minutes, varoma, turn left, speed spoon.
     Stir in rice and program, 13 minutes, 100 º, turn left, speed 1.
     From 3 minutes to finish the time, incorporates the peas, let it rest a little and serves

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