martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

Strawberry yogurt smoothie

Do you like yogurt? We love! few months ago I got a yogurt maker, I'm sticking out performance, I am very happy about it, because at first I thought it was going to be very difficult and may not cuajarían yogurts well ... All his doubts were dispelled when I made my first yogurt, plus how easy they are, are very rich, much better than I've ever eaten.

As the strawberry season is over but still much I like strawberry yogurts have chosen to make yogurt and strawberry smoothie but this mmm, you have to try it you'll like it very much, have a taste that will be very familiar ... in the first spoonful reminded me that he had always eaten yogurt and homemade addition, the truth came out very achieved and in terms of texture, great!.

I leave you with the recipe, simple, few ingredients and very economical, only need a yogurt maker and thereafter will be lost, because you apetecerá test and try, you'll see as you enjoy.

Any questions, suggestions or comments you can do it on the form, I'll be happy to help.
Strawberry Yoghurt
     40g skimmed milk powder
     1 plain yogurt
     1 liter strawberry milkshake

     Traditional Preparation
     Incorporates a yogurt container and incorporates powdered milk little by little, it has to be a cream.
     Gradually stir the batter Assist with a whisk until everything is well blended.
     Incorporates this mixture into the yogurt maker vessels, leave covered for 8 hours, after the time, every yogurt lid with lid, allowed to warm and bring them into the fridge, must pass six hours before eating.

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