viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2012

The uses of wine in the kitchen

- To cook meat ideally turn to red wines. Whites, meanwhile, are best for fish. While the chicken, turkey and birds, support any variety of wine in her cooking.

- According to the tone we want to give our sauces can choose between red wine, that being rich in pigments gives a dark hue, and white, which will provide a lighter shade.

- One way to cook meats strong, like hunting, is to leave to marinate with wine, this is called 'civet'. For this preparation the most common and effective is to use red wines with great extent and body.

- Another application is the most widespread of funds flavored cooking with wine fumets and broths. Also to give flavor to sauces and fried onion or tomato. The results are spectacular.
- Have you tried to combine fruit and wine? Try the most aromatic. Strawberries, for example, pair well with red wine. Peaches, meanwhile, with whites. Even if you cook marry great with red wine, like pears cooked equally. The latter combined also with a good white wine or champagne depending on the variety.

- Finally, remember that if you choose wines from the lowest category in the result will be noticed and could ruin your recipe.

Do you usually use wine in your recipes? Know of other applications in the kitchen?
How to keep a good wine
For many professionals and amateurs, down to his private cellar to look and choose one of their best jewelry is a very enjoyable hobby. The wines are well preserved a great opportunity waiting to be tasted. The maturation of the wine in the bottle will depend on external conditions. Get proper preservation of life be prolonged or even wine reaches its peak. For good preservation, must take into account several aspects.
TermsAfter the purchase we headed home with wine. If the wine is to save, whether for an unlimited time or for a few months or weeks, it is good that we are to stand clear where such cylinders. The temperature, humidity, light, positioning of the bottles and ventilation play an important role for the wine rests in perfect harmony with its virtues intact. Important, too, is the absence of odor and noise vibrations. Therefore, we must always seek the freshest natural location and holds a reasonable moisture. If we care we care for our kitchen and our living room, why not, our winery?
1. - Temperature: The temperature should be as stable as possible. Between 10 º and 14 º C, would be ideal, but not to exceed 18 º C. The lower keep the cellar temperature, the evolution of the wine in the bottle will be slower and the wines will last longer. The varying temperatures make wines to expand and contract, causing severe pressure on the cork, making plugs ooze (liquid sweat through the pores of a container) causing premature developments that spoil the wine.
2. - Light: The wines must be stored in a dark place. The light and the sun are the major oxidants. If there is light, it is best to be indirect. The sun's ultraviolet rays exert an accelerating effect of changing their oxidation favoring wines, which will spoil the wine much earlier than expected. A very bright can produce the 'disease of light' or 'light flavor' especially in sparkling white wines, happening a redox reaction, which may present an odor in wine cooked cauliflower defective or wet wool.
3. - Moisture: Moisture is needed to keep the corks from drying out. If this happens they 'evaporate' of the wine, accelerating the internal process of oxidation, stale chips or making wine. For that to happen we must keep the humidity level between 70% and 80% can be installed to control a hygrometer or hydrometer that indicates the humidity index.
4. - Ventilation: Good ventilation will prevent the formation of unwanted odors in the hold. It is advisable to keep solvents and food in the same place where the wine is stored as the cork is permeable and smells it could cross.
5. - Vibrations: Vibrations accelerate the internal processes of wine is best avoided. Also when a wine is making a trip 'fatigue', the right thing is to let it rest a couple of weeks, after which time the wine will be back to perfection.
6. - The position of the bottles: Wine bottles should be stored lying down, or sloping, placing the air bubble in the shoulder. Thus, the cork is constantly wet, wet and swollen. Moreover tight and ensures that the gas exchange is less preventing evaporation of wine. We suggest you keep sparkling wines with bottle vertical. This cap does not lose elasticity cava and the carbon is better maintained. Lying or vertical, sparkling wines should not stay more than a year in the cellar. The special wine (generous, headers or similar) are stored upright because alcohol attacks the corks.
7. - Location: Search the cool dark corner, usually the ground floors or basements. Finding the optimum place in an apartment is a more complicated task. The racks in the kitchen are usually the worst places. In this case, it is better to find a dark corner (in a closet) where environment variables as constant as possible. If we find a natural solution, it is best to opt for a climate-controlled wine cabinet with different storage temperatures.
8. - The size of the container: If you buy wine in bulk or in bottles, to be retained better must shovel into bottles of 75 cl. So consumed with comfort and prevents the wine from going rancid mince or emptying the bottle to go and be a greater oxygen contact with the wine. The preservation of a wine in a barrel is more complicated than in a bottle. You have to keep it filled as much as possible. This will prevent the wine from spoiling. Burning sulfur strips is only a short term solution.
Notebook wineryThe notebook can hold all kinds of annotations, as the day he bought the bottle or more of the same wine as well as its origin, type and style, vintage, grape varieties, place of purchase and price that was paid. Should note the day of wine tasting and the impressions left their characteristics. This will help all the time to know the state of our winery, allowing to carry out monitoring and control of the evolution of the wines, to check their immediate consumption.

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