lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2012

Trout with almonds

Recipe, trout with almonds. Trout is a semi-fat fish, as it provides about 3 grams of fat per 100 grams of meat. It contains proteins of high biological value, but in smaller amounts than other fish and minerals devitaminasy.
It is considered a highly nutritious food, and if you can easily secocinade part lasdietashipocalóricas regular and low-fat. Its input is an interesting meat potassium and phosphorus and moderate sodium, magnesium, zinc hierroy compared with the rest depescadosfrescos.

4 trout
100 gde butter
150 almond slivers gde
4 potatoes
Assorted lettuce
Sunflower oil
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
1 tablespoon sherry devinagrede

Peel and clean the potatoes and cut into 4 pieces each.
The cook steamed until tender.
On the other hand, we cleaned trout and flour went through.
Melt the butter in a large skillet to brown before, we take the trout.
The let cook over medium heat, turning and we toss a splash of lemon juices
Salpimentamos to taste.
Then in another pan without fat, sauté the sliced ​​almonds to toast a bit.
Once toasted almonds, toss the trout above and watered with butter cooking these.
Then prepare a French vinaigrette, whisking the mustard elvinagrey elaceitede gradually adding sunflower.
Aliñamos greens with the vinaigrette well emulsified.
Finally, emplatamos trout with almonds and butter and serve accompanied by boiled potatoes.

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