lunes, 1 de octubre de 2012

Prawns raincoat

I can never thank enough Tere teach me how to make this delicious recipe for prawns that had long Gabardine trying unsuccessfully.
Once you count them you realize you are really easy and a wonderful texture.
All I did today to test them early, as they will be one of my snack Eve Dinner. You've convinced me.

-shrimp. (better be great)
3 eggs.
- 250 grams of flour.
-1 On yeast.
half-bottle of beer
- Olive oil and salt.

The amount of flour that will be permissible, ie adding flour until we convert the mixture into a paste, a bechamel-like thickness.

How to prepare:

Peel the shrimp heads and stripping them unpeeled leaving the end of the tail and lightly salted.

The secret of the batter is to separate the yolks from the whites. We set the egg whites until stiff and mix, being careful not to fall, with dough made ​​of flour, egg yolks, beer, salt and yeast.

Rebozamos prawns one to one picking them up by the tail in the mass we have done and fry in hot oil.

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