domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012

Calderón El Bierzo

Ingredients (serves 4):
200 g dried beans
2 or 3 potatoes
1/2 cabbage jug handle
1 tip rib
1 piece of ham
1 piece of spine
1 chorizo
One piece the size of a walnut of grease

Soak the beans the night before in cold water.
The next day, drain them and put them in a pot with cold water again that cover three fingers above boiling. Once boiling add the meat and let it cook all together. Halfway through cooking the meat (when you take 30 minutes or so) add the chopped cabbage and cook another 30 minutes before adding the potatoes escachadas (to loosen the starch and fatten the broth). Let cook until potatoes are done. When you are 10 minutes left of cooking add the grease to keep him watching him (because then eat a piece can be a bit rude). Once the substance unto the broth has provided what we get.
When everything is cooked in a sauce prepared pan aside. Chop the garlic and fry in a little olive oil. We separate the pan from heat and add the teaspoon of paprika. We add to the broth, stir and serve (from one day to another is richer).

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