miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012

Trout stuffed with vegetables

Today I bring you a recipe for trout with vegetables. Trout is unpescadoazul river and is a food rich envitaminaB5 since 100 g. of 1.70 ug estepescadocontienen. devitaminaB5.
I leave this recipe for Trout stuffed with vegetables and I hope you enjoy it.

     6 trout ration
     1/2 kilo deverdura-chard, spinach, collards, etc.-
     2 leeks,
     100 grams of ham,
     200 grams of canned mushrooms,
     1 onion,
     1 egg yolk,
     100 grams of fresh cream
     150 grams of butter,
     white wine

Wash and clean the trout withdrawing the spine, season with salt and set aside. Wash and chop fine laverduramuy putting to boil in a pan of boiling water and salt. Once in point, drain and reserve also. They removed the water to the mushrooms and cut into small pieces.
In a pan with 50 grams of butter fry half the onion very small and, before it gets to brown, are incorporated laverduray mushrooms, there are few laps and add the diced ham, leaving the prepared baking minutes.
In a baking oven safe to share the rest of the chopped onion and leeks. In his point, the trout are filled with sauce and put into the source on the bed of onions and leeks, watering them with a glass devinoblanco and the rest of the melted butter.
Source is introduced into the oven at moderate temperature for 30 minutes. After this time, remove from the oven by placing the trout on a serving tray. Pass the sauce through the blender, add the cream, the yolk dehuevoy checked the salt. Stir to mix well and pour the sauce over the trout, served piping hot decorated with parsley leaves.

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