sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2012

Soup French onion

The Onion, a part of us mourn, that would be the downside, has beneficial properties for our health. Among other things it is very beneficial for circulation, not enough garlic alliin but presence makes him important in this field. Is also diuretic, anti-inflammatory, digestive and antibacterial.
This onion soup is French style few days ago I had the pleasure of cooking and eating this recipe especially onion soup. And just hope you enjoy it as much as me.

     1 large onion,
     1 ½ liters of broth,
     1 clove garlic,
     1 tablespoon of flour,
     1 tablespoon grated cheese,

Fry the finely chopped onion in a pan with a little oil. Once fried, and before excessively browned, add the flour and fry well. Then watered with broth, season to taste with salt and crushed garlic is incorporated. Boil the soup to simmer for 10 minutes. Reached point, is passed to a heat resistant tureen oven, covered with fine bread soups and slightly toasted, and sprinkled over the shredded cheese. It then puts the bowl in the oven and broil just before serving.

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