sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2012

The Andalusian Asparagus

There are certain foods that are so rich cooked in a unique way and often cost them cook and otherwise different. For example, are incredibly good asparagus grilled with salt or perhaps simply sauteed conhuevoo scrambled.
This time I wanted to make a different recipe and here's a recipe from the Andalusian asparagus.

     2 bunches asparagus,
     1 tablespoon of flour,
     1 slice of bread,
     2 cloves of garlic,
     white wine
     white pepper,
Cook the asparagus in bundles. Meanwhile, fry the garlic and bread in a pan with a little deaceitehasta brown. Then drain and pass the mortar to crush them with saffron, some cumin, a tablespoon delaceiteempleado for frying and boiling some water for desleírlo everything.
Brown the flour in the pan and add water gradually, vinoblanco mortar and crushed to form a sauce. Season with salt and pepper, and simmer a few minutes. Cooked asparagus and once drained, place on a serving dish and cover with hot sauce.
This dish, also called jumble of asparagus, is popular in Andalusia.

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