sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2012

Cheesecake and figs

For a change, and we can surprise our guests, we can do this and figs Cheesecake, a recipe easy, beautiful, and above all delicious.
Cheesecake Ingredients and figs to mold 27 cm.:

     400 gr. (2 tubs) cream cheese
     300 ml. double cream
     120 gr. sugar
     2 packets to make curd
     9 figs figs or large
     60 gr. Cream Cheese
     brown sugar
     Peel of 1 lemon
     1/2 envelope gelatin neutral or 1 teaspoon of Agar-Agar
     20 type Digestive Biscuits
     20 gr. Butter
Preparation of Cheesecake and figs:

Crush the biscuits and butter rid for a few seconds in the microwave.
Mix well and cover bottom of pan well (preferably removable), we press with the fingertips until it's smooth surface.
We keep in the refrigerator at least one hour.
In a pan toss the 400 gr cream cheese with cream, sugar and curd envelopes. Grind in a blender.
We put the fire (medium-high), stirring occasionally. When it begins to smoke, constantly stir a couple of minutes, taking care that it does not boil. Remove and let temper.
If you Thermomix, pour the ingredients in the bowl, mix 30 seconds at speed 4. Program 8 minutes at 90 °. And two minutes without temperature.
We took the mold we had in the fridge. We take a spoon in one hand and in the other large casserole with the mixture. We put the spoon in the center of the mold, without touching the base. Pour the mixture slowly over the spoon.
When it is warm, we introduce the mold in the fridge until set completely.
When curd cheesecake, we start with gelatin and figs.
Wash and dry figs.
Figs 6 cut in half, and the bottom of each of these, to achieve figs halves of a half inch.
We place parchment paper on the cookie sheet and these figs halves.
Put some cream cheese in the center of each half and scatter a little brown sugar.
Gratinamos for 7 minutes at 200 º. We draw from the oven and let temper.
As we put the figs in a saucepan to boil 250 ml of water with three chopped figs, lemon peel and three tablespoons of sugar. Stir and let simmer for 10 minutes. Eventually we will be about 125 ml. liquid
Dissolve the gelatin in half about 125 ml of cold water and pour in the mixture, stir, drain and reserve in what place the figs halves over cheesecake.
Scatter thyme leaves over cheese halves of figs and pour slowly, with a fine thread, the gelatin over the figs until we run out.
We keep the cake back in the fridge until the last layer to gel on the cake.
We take care desmoldamos with cheesecake.
Cut into portions, serve the cheesecake with figs and tasted.
The result, you see, a great cheesecake, very original and striking, we can evaluate with 5 points that stands out in the more than 250 recipes of this type have already noted that it is also relatively easy to cook and of course delicious.

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