miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012

Chickpea stew with cod

Since childhood I used to eat porridge on Fridays of Lent, this year I've been away but I will and I decided to do it.
I want to share with you the recipe because I went buenisimo
 Is a typical dish of the Easter season and its main ingredients are chickpeas and cod
     2 large glasses of chickpeas
     1/4 of salt cod
     300 grams of spinach
     1 small cup of rice
     3 eggs
     1/4 onion
     2 teaspoons paprika

     The first thing to do is desalted cod, usually taken 24 hours in several changes of water, you can buy some consultation where they usually know the time needed cod served.
     The night before we put the chickpeas in water to fatten.
     To make the soup pot first put the chickpeas with paprika, onion and 2 liters of water as this depends on some pots.
     We left 25 minutes when the pot starts ringing then wait for it to cool to open. EYE: DO NOT OPEN BEFORE IT IS COOL
     While cooling the pot cook the chop huevosy some cod.
     When the pot and is ready to introduce her cod, spinach, chopped boiled eggs and rice. If we see that it has consumed much water we take a little longer.
     Let cook with the pot closed 10 minutes and ready. Note that these times are for pressure cookers.
     Test is appropriate if we need to add salt

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