sábado, 22 de septiembre de 2012

Chickpea stew with rice

Today, it seems that the day is cloudy and sad, I wanted to prepare some vegetables, because in summer the heat is not usually put often, and I take these days to make them.

The dish that we prepare now, I do it with chickpeas, but you can prepare the vegetable that you like or at the time you have in house, also have solid preparation with red beans and are delicious.

When this type of soil to prepare stews, usually single dish, as it is a very full plate and at least I do not go no more. Although there are times when my child is used as two plates, usually eat a little less of chickpeas and then eating some chicken breast or fish.

If we do it in advance, when heating the stew, you can add a little more water, as hot to leave both the beans and rice, will be absorbing all the broth, and although we seem to have much broth, and then you will see how it is much thicker. But if you are going to eat at the moment there is no problem.
A very comprehensive stew with beans, rice and vegetables
     1 jar of canned chickpeas (400g)
     Onion 200g
     1 carrot, peeled and chopped
     100g green pepper
     100g red pepper
     50g of extra virgin olive oil
     200g of tomato sauce
     200g rice
     500g of water
     1 bay leaf
     1 teaspoon salt

     Toss the chickpeas in the bowl Varoma, and clarified with cold water. Reserve.
     We put in the cup onion, carrot and both peppers. We schedule 3 seconds, speed 5.
     With the spatula, got off the remains of the walls to the blades and add the oil. Sauté 7 minutes, Varoma, speed 1.
     We incorporate the tomato and rice. Sauté 3 minutes, Varoma, left turn, speed 1.
     Add the water, bay leaf and salt, place the container in place Varoma. We schedule 18 minutes, Varoma, left turn, speed 1.
     We incorporate both rice and chickpeas in a bowl and mix with a spatula. Ready to Eat

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