viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012

Cooked Madrileno

Madrid stew recipe is for me one of the recipes that I like cooking by implication that means. I do it to a simmer, ie passage of any involvement in the pressure cooker in this recipe. In fact I have no idea how to make the Madrid stew on this contraption.
It occurs as in most traditional recipes, in every house there is a way to prepare the Madrid stew. Purists will put chicken instead of chicken (the latter more juicy and tender, but less strongly flavored), you will always bacon, I prefer the bacon, less fat and more meat. Also bring a ball or stuffing made with egg, minced meat and bread crumbs. And add to cabbage vegetables, some chard, a cabbage and some thistles, even I have seen with green beans.
Ingredients for 6 people.
250g chickpeas castile, 500 grams of meat (shank), shell chicken (or chicken), 2 chicken breasts (or chicken), 2 sausages (at home like less), 6 sausages (more like always) 1 piece of bacon (bacon better, less fat and more meat), 1 tip of ham (or a foot of salt pork), 1 cabbage, 1 onion, 3 carrots, 6 small potatoes, 1 clove garlic, pasta or rice soup (40 gr per person).
In addition to the table, extra virgin olive oil, sherry vinegar and dry sherry wine.
First and do not forget, we will make a good soak chickpeas Castilians on the eve of the stew. Tip: In addition we will put a handful of salt to sea the next day not aground in cooking.
Boil begin with, starting from cold, the flesh, the tip of ham, bacon, chicken (shell and breasts). Key: Throughout the cooked, from start to finish, we will remove the foam you get into a skimmer. Also we will incorporate water so it does not run dry.
The fire we cooked it in a continuous manner in the middle of the power we have.
When it starts to boil add the chickpeas, drained and rinsed previously. When it starts to boil add the onion, salt it and have 2 hours to 3 hours. Depend on the hardness of the chickpeas.
When missing about 30 minutes to go, put them in a pot to cook the cabbage part. And into the pot of stew, itself, add the sausages, blood sausages and carrots (peeled and cut into chunks).
When you are about 15 minutes add the potatoes to the pot of Madrid stew.
At the end we strain the broth and soup, which may be rice or noodles. For the noodles, add them when the water to a boil, they are the finest I advise that you may have two minutes on the fire.
Working time | Between 3 and 4 hours.
Difficulty | Media-difficult

When serving.

The Madrid stew is served at the table. In a pot with the meat we chickpeas, another soup and other vegetables with potatoes and carrots.

For the soup I advise one or two tablespoons of dry sherry. To dress the vegetables vinegar and olive oil. And for meat and chickpeas a drizzle of olive oil extra virgin.

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