martes, 4 de septiembre de 2012

The World of Cooking

How to read the labeling

 When we purchase is essential to read the labels of products especially in the case of food allergies or simply as information to know what we buy.Under EU law the information that must appear on the label is divided into two general information that the manufacturer is required by law to put in a clear and simple, and the optional information, such as nutritional information or energy value.Inside of the compulsory or general information should be the following:- Product Description: must be made by the generic name of the product accompanied by the state in which it is located (eg, crushed tomatoes, smoked salmon, lecheen dust, ...)- Ingredients: must be described componene all the ingredients in descending order of their weight, it is obligatory to indicate also the additives or preservatives used in the production.- Net quantity: should be indicated in volume measurements for liquids (ml, cl, dl, ...) and in mass units for solids (Gr., kg., ...). And if the product is a solid with a liquid packaging must also indicate the drained net weight of product without liquid (eg pickles, anchovies acite, ...)- The best-before date or expiration date: depending in product type will be indicated either. This indication is not necessary to come comoverdurasofrutasque fresh unpackaged.- Responsible for the product: name and address of the manufacturer, packer or seller.- Lot of manufacture is indicated by the letter L followed by the number.There are also certain mandatory information to be reported, but pertaining only to certain specific products:- Alcohol: is required to be stated in drinks where the alcohol content exceeds 1.2%.- Country of origin or provenance: if the product belongs to a country outside EU is aa must indicate the place of origin or source.
- Special storage conditions and preparation: You must indicate the method of use or preparation as necessary for proper use of the product
Types of cheese

The variety of cheeses that there is very wide, from soft and creamy cheeses to the strongest and acids. But it is important to know the different types of cheese that can be found on the market to use in our recipes as they depend heavily on their flavor combine well with other ingredients to make our dish comes out perfect.
The classification of the types of cheese can be done in different ways: by delechecon type which is manufactured by the fat it contains or for maturation.
1.-Types delecheutilizada cheeses by type:
- Cow Cheese
- Cheese of sheep
- Goat Cheese
- Cheese of other animals (eg buffalo)
- Cheese mix (was used for processing milk mixture of two different species)

2.-Types of cheese according to the fat content (measured in%):
- Between 0% -10%: fat cheese
- Between 10% -25%: skim cheese
- Between 25% -45%: semi-fat cheese
- Between 45% -60%: fat cheese
- More than 60%: full fat cheese
3.-Types of cheese ripening by:
Fresh cheese: It requires maturity. It can be consumed once the manufacturing process ends.
Pasteurized cheese is a type of cheese that is pasteurized. It can be consumed once the manufacturing process ends.
Aged cheese: To finalize the manufacturing process needs to be kept for a certain time at a certain temperature and environmental conditions. Depending on these conditions and the time you need to complete your healing shall be classified as:
- Soft cheese: 7 days
- Semi Cheese: 35 days
- Hard cheese: 105 days
- Old cheese: 180 days
- Aged cheese: 270 days
Mold-ripened cheese: Those whose cheese ripening is due to the development of certain molds, very concrete, inside or on the surface.
Knowing the food pyramid for application in the daily menu
To keep unaalimentaciónequilibrada, ie a diet that a person be in optimal health, we need to know what foods and the right amount of each that we consume every day and what we should avoid or eat only once time. Nutritionists created long specialized in a very graphic and simple in a small pyramid that is easily summarized that amounts should be taken from each food group.

Order of the pyramid upside down, ie food that should be eaten at least to be more common in ladietade an active person:
     Group of fats and sweets: limited only occasionally consume
     Group of dairy (milk, yogurt and cheese): 2-3 servings
     Group of meat, fish, eggs, fruits secosy birds: 2-3 servings
     Vegetable Group: 2-4 servings
     Fruit Group: 2-3 servings
     Group of bread, cereal, rice and pasta: 4-6 servings
We also have to consider the following points:
- They are the most recommended to avoid fat dairy milk fat, and reduce the use of butter and cream.

- Alternate red meat with chicken and turkey meat containing less fat.
- The number of eggs eaten per week must be between 2 and 3 eggs.
- As for legumes such as chickpeas, beans, lentils, .., are advised to take a couple of servings a week.
- As regards the preparation of vegetables, you should not cook too to not lose all contain lasvitaminasque.

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