martes, 2 de octubre de 2012

Baked sea bass

The recipe for baked sea bass is very similar to that of the golden baked. In both cases, we drop the pieces of sea bass or bream on a bed of potatoes sliced ​​thin and baked previously. The preparation of mortar and other condiments with which enrich the bass before putting it in the oven, we will adapt to achieve a mild flavor, but with character.
Recipe ingredients baked sea bass (for 2 people):Two fresh sea bass1 potato1/2 lemon100 ml. White wine1 tablespoon Dijon mustardA handful of herbs de ProvenceOlive oil3 pinches of salt flakes
Preparation of baked sea bass recipe:1. When buying sea bass, we tell the fishmonger to clean them for us cooking in the oven.2. Preheat oven to 180 º C. Meanwhile, cut a potato into thin slices, and make them a bed covering the bottom of a greased baking pan. Add salt, sprinkle with olive oil and enriched with herbs de Provence. Bake for 10 minutes.3. At the time the potatoes are done, do the mortar prepared with the juice of 1/2 lemon, 4 cuchadas olive oil, a tablespoon of Dijon mustard, white wine, a generous handful of herbs de Provence and two pinches salt.4. Remove the dish with baked potatoes. Lower the temperature to 150 ° C. Place potatoes on sea bass fillets with about 4 or 5 slices per side. Water inside and outside each sea bass prepared with mortar.5. Bake for 30 minutes at 150 ° C.
Do you see how easy it is? If you have little time to cook, but I like to eat healthy and rich, baked sea bass recipe is one that should be tattooed on any wall of the kitchen, so you always have this. The flavor of the sea bass is very delicate, and the bed of potatoes, it becomes a fairly complete unique dish.
Oh, and if you plan to make the baked sea bass for children, do not fail to do so for fear of thorns. It is important that children learn to eat fish from small, to not end up rejecting the elderly. For that, they should be rich fish (seabass are, in this sense, good candidates), and teach them to break it down so you do not have problems with the thorns. Nobody is born knowing, and if you explain to them, children will learn from the beginning to eat fish without any problems.

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