martes, 2 de octubre de 2012

Does the microwave is bad?

That "the microwave is good" or "bad microwave" are statements released to air regularly on the street, and have resulted in a kind of urban legend in defense against domestic and kitchen tool, respectively. And is that microwave cooking, beyond the mere fact of warming, is a practice more widespread than ever today.
In this regard, a group of scientists from the University of Graz (Austria), in collaboration with researchers from the University of Extremadura, a study just published in the journal data revealing "the possible influence of the fields electromagnetic microwaves emitted by the structure and enzymatic digestion of food proteins. "
Those who think that the microwave is bad for health, have traditionally relied on two theories: first, in the alleged direct impact on humans of the electromagnetic radiation from the microwave, and secondly, in the anomalous change food properties when exposed to electromagnetic waves of the microwave, when be heated or cooked.
About the alleged relationship between health and the emission of electromagnetic radiation, both the microwave, as most appliances we accumulate in our homes, but there are still no conclusive scientific studies, has always preferred to apply the meaning of moderation and caution.
But apart from this theoretical line, the conclusions of this study on the second of the suspicions that tarnished the good image of the microwave, determined that "the lab values ​​applied in a conventional microwave, with a magnitude between 3 and 4 times lower than would be needed to cause significant changes in proteins or enzymes. " Furthermore, this research is extracted that alterations that occur in food enzymes at temperatures above 60 ° C, take place in the same way as a microwave is used for heating, dielectric or any other conventional mechanism.
Building on this study, therefore, we can say that microwave cooking is good, at least we can not say that the microwave is bad, or worse than other cooking methods. In line with this research, the question remains whether or not to cook certain foods in excess of what temperature or cooking time can be considered excessive, the extent to which foods are altered when subjected to a cooking process above 60 ° C, etc. But at least for now, let's break a lance for the microwave.
Vs Spanish Cuisine Italian Cuisine
The soccer teams of Spain and Italy will be the focus of attention in Europe and part of the World on Sunday in the final of the Football Championship in Poland and Ukraine. Both teams represent two different ways of interpreting the wise latina gross running through his veins, like the kitchen of each represents a different way of shaping the raw material Mediterranean.
Cereals, olive oil, tomatoes, fruits and vegetables, cheese, ham, spices, beer, and other typical ingredients of Mediterranean cuisine, take different forms in Italy and Spain. One root, for two forms of food with a particular idiosyncrasy.
If accedéis to section Italian food, you will see that predominate pasta dishes, pizzas, risotto, salads, different versions of the recipe for tiramisu, etc, while in the Spanish cuisine potato omelette The paella, stews and pots, the soups, stews, and desserts regional rule the roost.
But beyond the clichés, Spain and Italy with its peculiarities bring a wealth of world cuisine. No country in the world where there is an Italian restaurant, while the Spanish haute cuisine chefs have conquered the world in recent years based on new contributions have earned them international recognition: Jose Andres in the U.S. Carme Ruscalleda in Tokyo, Bruno Oteiza in Mexico City, etc..
Rather than confrontation, Spanish cuisine and Italian fusion represent two forms of the ingredients of the Mediterranean basin, transformed into tastes, shapes and textures, in the service of brothers palates. However, in some form or substance, is widespread evidence that the Latin triumphs in the world, both in the field of gastronomy as in football, so either Spanish tortilla-smooth, constant flavor and harmonious-or gnocchi alla caprese-strong, tasty and good work-product, we can only say the best man win.

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