martes, 2 de octubre de 2012

Cherry Gazpacho

Being and living in Extremadura Extremadura has many advantages: Iberian ham, Wedding cakes, the paprika, Jerte cherries, etc.. In late spring, the latter, cherries, are as red-clad ladies figurine cute, sexy and provocative in the extreme, that slip into our lives announcing the arrival of the heat.

Obviously, there are cherries and cherries. But if you have the opportunity to make you a box of cherries truth, without being pillories, a sweet cherry and dark colored liquid generously bite like a chocolate liquor, I invite you to make this cherry gazpacho.
As you see, the cherry gazpacho is made with basic ingredients of a tomato gazpacho ordinary, with the addition of the right amount of cherries. The result is a cold soup a unique flavor, with a touch of sweetness characteristic acidic and striking color: the color of the blood of this earth, poured to the delight of those who try it.
Cherry gazpacho ingredients (for about 8 servings):
400 gr. Cherry (heavy boned)
3 large ripe tomatoes
2 green peppers Italian
1/2 large onion
1 clove of garlic
220 gr. water
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
120 gr. olive oil
2 mint leaves
Preparation of cherry gazpacho:
1. The most cumbersome when making a cherry gazpacho, is to remove the bone to cherries. To do so, simply cause them to crack in half and insert your finger under the bone to remove. Do not forget to wash them before.

2. Pitted cherries, cast them in a large bowl, to which we will add the tomatoes (washed and cut into wedges), peppers (washed and cut), onion (peeled and chopped), garlic clove (peeled and cut half), peppermint leaf and water.

4. With mixer on medium speed, and with great patience and careful not to splash, mix everything until a fine homogeneous cream.

5. Add the oil, vinegar, salt and oregano to give the point of taste and desired density. Cool before serving.

I discovered the cherry gazpacho not too many years ago at the wedding of some friends in whose veins runs in summer also this sweet fluid and intense color. In it was Albert, Extemadúrate, an interesting blog devoted to Extremadura in which, weeks later, I saw hanging version of cherry gazpacho recipe. Today I present my own, with the hope that, when tested, I extremaduréis yourselves a little. Let me know the effects.

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