martes, 2 de octubre de 2012

Chickpea Salad

The heat does not have to be a reason to stop eating vegetables. If we maintain adequate input of protein in our diet without eating more meat than necessary, vegetable recipes like chickpeas or beans have to be present in our diet also in summer.

Yes, the cooked and fabadas winter in summer must be transformed into rich salads, made ​​with jars of chickpeas or baked beans, respectively, can be made in minutes. The possibilities are endless. The come to show you today is a simple chickpea salad with tomato, boiled egg, chives and pepper.
Ingredients chickpea salad (for 3/4 people):
1 can of cooked chickpeas
3 boiled eggs
2 ripe tomatoes
Chives to taste
Red or green pepper to taste
Extra virgin olive oil

Development of chickpea salad:
Almost is daring to speak of "development" in the case of a salad whose main ingredient, chickpeas, are cooked. As always, we cook them ourselves, and build for flavor adding to the pot ingredients like sausage, spices, etc.

1. First of all, we will cook three eggs. And once cooked, the pelaremos and trocearemos.

2. The second step is to open the can of chickpeas, pour the contents into a large colander, and rinse the chickpeas until completely lose fluid conservation. Then escurriremos very well and will miss the bowl.

3. On the other hand, will wash vegetables and itch. The tomato skin can be removed, or left. It is a matter of taste, but you should know that most of the properties are in tomato skin.

4. And finally, we would add the vegetables and egg, and season with plenty of olive oil, and salt to taste. If you want, you can enrich the chickpea salad with a little vinegar, oregano, or any other ingredients you like.

Other suggestions for enhancing chickpea salad are, for example, make it with diced cheese (fresh or semi), with diced ham, cooked with spinach in point (a la the spinach with chickpeas recipe we presented my Rosana Dominguez companion at Easter), with artichokes, with a touch a little stronger as the chorizo​​, etc..

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